Date of birth: 8th of July
Joined band: 2007
Equipment: ESP guitars
How did you become a musician? My dad trick me to pick up the guitar when I was about 9 years old.
Where were you 20 years ago when Tricky Beans started off? 20 years ago I was in the army. I played death metal with my band Depravity.
Where do you see yourself 20 years from now? In a warm place somewhere!
Musical inspiration: Steve Vai
What’s in the music folder on your phone/computer/other device? Whitesnake, Van Halen, Deep Purple, Steve Vai, Zakk Wyllde, Kiss, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Guns and Roses, Joe Satriani, Journey, Metallica, Pantera, Queen, Rainbow etc.
What is your favorite song from each of your albums? Fullmoon, Last Drop Falls, Gravenimage, Don’t Say a Word, In Black and White, The Last Amazing Grays, Alone In Heaven, Blood, Candle Lawns, Cold, Storm The Armada
Favorite song ever to play live: Changes all the time.
Best tour experience off-stage: Jet boat tour in Sydney. Visiting Alcatraz.
Best country to tour in: I really can’t say. Always nice to play to our fans everywhere.
Best thing to get from fans on tour: To hear great stories how the music has effected their lives, or even changed it for the better.
Warm-up ritual before you go on stage: 1 beer is always nice.
Favorite food/drink: Fajitas and beer. Thai food also.
Favorite movie/series: Star Wars/ Columbo
Favorite cartoon/comic: Donald Duck
Favorite game/sports: Ice Hockey, Football (soccer)
Your kind of heaven: Warm, sunshine, beer, friends.
Your worst vice: Don’t do anything I would not.
What you’d do with a shitload of money: Give it away.
Hobbies, or rather what you do on tour to pass long travel/wait times:
I used to have a PSP. Nowadays, maybe play something on my phone.
Place(s) you’d like to visit: Iceland.
Wise words: The one who goes to bed with itchy butt, wakes up with smelly fingers.
Last but not least: Is there something you need??! Beer and a good night’s sleep.